It’s Time to Share Your

Message with the World!

You’ve got a vision for your podcast and you know this path is meant for you. But there are a few things in your way - imposter syndrome, a lack of knowledge, and no support system.

Until now!

You’re in the right place if this sounds like you…

➡️ You’re a self-proclaimed perfectionist so not knowing all the little details of how to launch, maintain, and grow your podcast prevents you from just doing the dang thing already.

➡️ You have a fear of failure, and don’t want to launch your podcast just for no one to listen or get bad reviews.

➡️ You know this is what you want to do, but the time it requires to get everything set up and started feels completely overwhelming.

➡️ You have no or minimal technical know-how for editing videos, understanding sound quality, and how to use podcast hosting platforms.

➡️ Maybe you know you want to launch a podcast, but a lack of clear goals and direction makes you worry about if this is the right path for you.

➡️ At the end of the day, the entire thing just feels overwhelming.


An intimate Group Coaching Program that helps new podcasters start, grow and learn how to manage their shows. You will learn how to launch your podcast alongside entrepreneurs just like you! You’ll have access to a thorough, in-depth, and highly supportive community that you can create long-term connections with, cheer each other on, and work through the learning curve together.

You’ll get 12 weeks of group coaching with 1 60-minute call each week! We’ll launch your show within the first 3 months and you’ll get continued support for the final month.

Hi, I’m Simona Costantini!

I'm the founder and CEO of Volt Productions, a full-service, top tier podcast production agency, and 2x podcast host [Happiness Happens + As It Relates to Podcasting].

I help multiple six-figure entrepreneurs bring their personality, vision and passion to the mic by launching, managing and growing their podcasts.

My experience spans more than 10 years in marketing, communications, advertising and public relations.

I blend my intuitive nature with proven framework and strategies to help my clients shake up their industry with massive impact so they can serve on a more meaningful level.

Let’s get real…

Why should you start a podcast in the first place?

🎙 Reach a wider audience: Podcasts have become increasingly popular in recent years, and starting a podcast can help you reach a wider audience than you might otherwise be able to reach.

Build your personal brand: A podcast can help you establish yourself as an authority in your field, build your reputation, and increase your visibility online.

👯‍♀️ Connect with your audience: Podcasts offer a more personal and intimate way to connect with your audience than other forms of content, such as blog posts or videos.

💰 Monetize your content: There are many ways to monetize a podcast, such as sponsorships, merchandise sales, and affiliate marketing.

👩‍💻 Learn new skills: Starting a podcast requires you to learn new skills, such as audio editing and interviewing, which can be valuable in other areas of your life and career.

👩‍🎨 Express your creativity: Podcasts offer a creative outlet for expressing your ideas, thoughts, and opinions in a unique and engaging way.

💃 Have fun: Podcasting can be a fun and rewarding hobby that allows you to explore new topics, meet new people, and share your passions with the world.

Here’s what Podcast Launch Accelerator grad Caroline Baird, host of the Today’s Balanced Leader podcast, had to say 👇

“Before joining, I was completely inexperienced in podcasting and technology, but Simona guided me through the entire process, transforming me from a novice into a confident podcast owner.

This program is exceptional. It provided step-by-step guidance on everything, from concept to launch. They not only covered the basics but also the finer details of podcasting, including guest invitations, interviews, editing, marketing clips, and online launch strategies.

What sets this program apart is its comprehensive support and Simona's dedication to her students' success. It's not just a course; it's an empowering experience that equips you with the tools, knowledge, and confidence to succeed in podcasting.

If you're considering starting a podcast, I highly recommend the Podcast Launch Accelerator program at Costantini Productions. Simona will help you discover everything you need to know, even things you didn't realize you needed.

Thank you, Simona and Costantini Productions, for turning my podcasting dreams into a reality.”

Everything you'll learn in this container:

Pre-launch planning: You’ll learn how to plan your podcast by defining your target audience, choosing a podcast format, and creating a content strategy.

Equipment and software: We’ll cover the basics of the equipment and software needed to create a podcast, such as microphones, recording software, and hosting platforms.

Recording and editing: I’ll teach you how to record and edit your podcast, including tips on creating quality audio and using editing software.

Branding and marketing: We’ll discuss branding strategies, cover artwork, and marketing techniques to help promote the podcast and grow your audience.

Launch strategy: We’ll develop your launch strategy with tactics such as submitting to directories, outreach, and social media promotion.

Post-launch support: I’ll offer continued support once your podcast has launched, including strategies to grow your audience, engagement, and monetization.

Guest interviews: We’ll include sessions on how to approach and book guests, tips for conducting successful interviews, and strategies for getting the most out of guest appearances.

Q&A sessions: You and your group will be able to ask questions and provide feedback throughout the program.

Community building: We’ll encourage participants to connect with each other and provide opportunities for peer-to-peer support and collaboration.

Resources: You’ll receive additional resources, such as online courses, podcasts, and books that can help you continue to learn and grow your podcasting skills.


You’ll also get full access to my

signature course and templates.

Worth $697 but yours FREE!


“I met Simona with only an idea for a podcast, knowing nothing, and she helped me to create a successful podcast by taking care of pretty much everything but the recording! Simona is incredibly organized and has fantastic systems in place. She also has great ideas about growing the podcast and the best strategies for showing up on social media. Simona is also a lot of fun to work with! My Podcast is top-notch, thanks to Simona.”

- Sarah Rosensweet

“Simona was truly instrumental in launching my podcast! I didn’t know what I didn’t know, but she knew what I needed to have in place to get me the exposure and traction needed to hit Top 150 on Apple podcast in my launch week! I was blown away by the response to my show and it’s because of the launch plan she designed for me to execute. She is a real pro and love working with her.“

- Jessica Stephens

“Simona has been an absolute godsend for my podcast! I cannot recommend her expertise and support enough. She has the perfect combination of all the necessary knowledge for the millions of questions combined with incredible support. Launching a podcast is no small task, so it’s critical to find someone who knows what they’re talking about and is also super organized to keep track of all the stops. Aside from that, her ongoing support kee[ps everything running smoothly. I cannot imagine trying to do all of this without her!“

- Karin Conroy

“I have been working with Simona and her podcast production team since my podcast launch in July 2021. If you’ve found Simona, don’t look any further, because you’ve found the best! Simona will not only help to reduce your anxiety about launching your podcast, but she’ll also get you excited, which is exactly how you should feel before you launch your podcast into the world!”

- Susan Casey

Let's do this!

Don’t forget your bonus!

Social Media and Promotion Templates completely FREE!

normally $31*

Not sure yet? Here’s my guarantee:

I KNOW you’re ready to launch your own podcast and take your message to the world. You want to learn how to create compelling content, build a loyal audience, and monetize your podcast, right? BUT the imposter syndrome, lack of know-how, and minimal support is holding you back.

This is why I’ve created this container - because I WAS you.

Do you think I started my own podcast Happiness Happens knowing everything already? Nope!

I learned along the way and simply fell in love with the entire process - from concept to launch to monetization and marketing - I knew I had found my thing.

This program is specifically designed to help aspiring podcasters just like you launch and grow a successful podcast and that’s exactly what I’m going to help you do.

Hand-holding encouraged 👭

I’m going to help you create a high-quality podcast that resonates with your target audience, builds your brand, and drives revenue because I believe in you, your message, and your ability to overcome any skillset or mindset block that you may have.

I’ll be here (along with the other amazing podcasters-to-be in this container) each step of the podcasting process, from planning and recording to editing and promoting your podcast.

You won’t have to second guess yourself because you'll receive personalized feedback and support to help you overcome any challenges you may encounter along the way.

Let's start your podcast, shall we?